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problems with wmv video
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I tried to play a wmv-video using the media -> video object. The video itself is streamed by our media server via mms. Including the video and the preview works fine, but after exporting to SCORM 1.2 and viewing it in the lms, the following error occours when i access the slide:
CallMethod: media_003_video TickTimer undefined and the slide remains empty. when i want to leave the slide, the following error occours:
CallMethod: media_003_video Destructor undefined.
I am using the newest courselab version 2.4

Thanks in advance for any responses.
I've discovered the same problem, i.e. CallMethod: media_003_video TickTimer undefined and the slide remains empty. when i want to leave the slide, the following error occours:
CallMethod: media_003_video Destructor undefined.

I did not notice this with version 2.3, but was having problems with image loading hanging up in 2.3 and 2.4 after publishing. Also, I found the symptoms do not occur when the Module is viewed (F5) while in development, only shows up after publishing even within the same directory. I checked the path and it looked OK. There is something else with the compile/publish that gets missed. It looks like the properties of the media objects are not correctly getting saved. I've tried it with MPG, AVI, FLV.

So far I've only tried the publish to CD. My experimental work around (and it seems to work so far) is to use the FLV (loads quicker) and copy the development files instead of the folder that gets published.

I figured out, that this seems to be a firefox problem.
The preview module uses the internet explorer engine, and published module in internet explorer does also work.
Only when i try to view the module using firefox, this errors come up!
Do the servers exist on the same domain?? If they are on different domains or sub domains the browser security will stop the java API from using the files.
Also there might be an issue with the link itself, check the published XML files for the link to the file itself, Courselab can change links from relative to absolute which might cause this problem.
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