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Moving Planets
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Can someone explain in detail how the "Moving Planets" coure featured under the Showcase page was done? You probably only need to tell me how two planets were done, I can probably figure it out from there.

I am particularly interested in how you managed to move the planets from their mixed arrangement to their proper placement by having the user click on the button "Show Me" and "Mix".

I made short demo describing how this sample was created.

It is published as a public course <a href=http://www.courselab.com/db/cle/71747EF447832C5BC325733D007F37C0/private.html>in my profile</a>. You can view it by clicking on course name and entering your email. You will receive course link in your mailbox.

All courselab users can also now use this feature (I mean uploading their courses for public and private use from "My courselab" menu).

All this new site features are now in their beta versions so please tell us if you find problems and bugs.
Hello Alex:

That was helpful. I now have a basic understanding of how to create the effect. However, I would still end up doing a lot of trial and error to figure it out.

What I am looking for is a step-by-step approach. While I think the html format is good, and also good for showcasing CourseLab (looks to be a good product).

I think it would be a wonderful idea to take all the showcase projects, and show step-by-step in a manual how to accomplish that particular project. (I tried looking at the source project, however I found this a bit confusing.)

What I like about the Showcase projects is they show me what can be created with CourseLab. Now I want to know how to create it on my own, and for that I need click-by-click steps. You don't need to do all 8 planets. 2 or 3 planets would give me the basic building blocks I'd just have to add from there.

As well, I found the CourseLab guide helpful. However, a suggestion would be to show the object at the beginning of the explanation before going into what it can do or be manipulated. By putting what the finished object looks like first, I have a visual in my head -- a point of reference as I read the how to.

Thank you for the prompt response. And, for making a good product available to others.

I'd think (not having looked at the code behind this) that:
The move is done by allowing the item to be moved or dragged, this is an option in the items properties.
You then need a landing place or hot spot where a conditional check is made.

The show me will be a series of Move actions putting the planets in the correct order.
The mix will be another move to action.
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