My test consists of 3 questions and if the score of the student is <=1 then it redirects the student back to the lesson, if the score is >=2 then redirect the student to Next lesson (next slide). I just cant find similar situation. The tutorials that i saw with the same structure (slide transitions) are only good for one question.
Here's what i done but didn't work:
Right Click Test object > Actions > Event on Test End
IF SCORE(Objective='ISP-Passed',Source=",Condition='<=',Score='1')
GOTO(Frame='FRAME_15',Option='Specified Frame')
GOTO(Frame='FRAME_25',Option='Specified Frame'
Im just not sure why this doesn't work...
Please help....thanks![:confused:]
My test consists of 3 questions and if the score of the student is <=1 then it redirects the student back to the lesson, if the score is >=2 then redirect the student to Next lesson (next slide). I just cant find similar situation. The tutorials that i saw with the same structure (slide transitions) are only good for one question.
Here's what i done but didn't work:
Right Click Test object > Actions > Event on Test End
IF SCORE(Objective='ISP-Passed',Source=",Condition='<=',Score='1')
GOTO(Frame='FRAME_15',Option='Specified Frame')
GOTO(Frame='FRAME_25',Option='Specified Frame'
Im just not sure why this doesn't work...
Please help....thanks![:confused:]