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CourseLab 2.4 PowerPoint Import Activation Error
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When I am trying to activate CourseLab 2.4 PowerPoint Import Pack it shows the error: "The license XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX already used on another computer". Unfortunately, I formatted the computer which was having the license. How can I re-register the same key again on another computer?
Hello Khalfan,

Please send your license key and proof of purchase to the support@courselab.com

You'll be able to use the software on another computer with this license then.
15.02.2012 13:17 Michael Cherkassky wrote:
Hello Khalfan,Please send your license key and proof of purchase to the support@courselab.comYou'll be able to use the software on another computer with this license then.

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