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shrinking a module resolution easily
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Is there and easy way to create smaller (or larger)slide versions of a module - that is shrinking it from 1044x768 to 800X600.

Currently I copy the entire course and then individually reduce font sizes and image sizes and re align. If I copy and paste a module the image references change but not the instructions within actions.
So shirking down a page size....
As you've noticed this is easier to do from scratch, that is from a fixed sized base,
Changing the size 'on the fly' is more difficult.
First consider web pages, old school pages were built on a fixed framework, like a grid with items in it in ABSOLUTE positions.
Newer pages using CSS tend to be built on RELATIVE positions (within limits) so can adapt to changing in sizes.
Courselab uses ABSOLUTE positions, fixed relative to the top left of the display window. So to down or up-scale needs the x,y co-ordinates need to be changed by the proportional change in the window size AND the absolute size of the object changed by the same proportion.
The font sizes could be handled in the same way, by applying a proportional increase or decrease. Probably easier than you might think though.
The images probably could do with rescaling, more of a problem without loosing detail so they might be best handled by hand.
Sooooo it's simple in concept but would be a pain to do by hand, probably the best option would be to have a small app to handle the donkey work then add a final polish by hand.
Oh BTW AFIK there isn't such an app in existence but it wouldn't be too difficult to write one.
LOL Not sure what happened there!!

I suppose I was looking for a quick fix to hours of reformating and scaling. My project is 53 pages and has a pop up and ballon text on every 4th page, and a range of interactive activites on the others including drag and drop activities.

I was going to use the batch feature of irfanview to scale down the pictures but keed them nice - I just wish there was a better way for all the text and layout. I'm working with a print author at the moment and she is used to "real" page layout and gets cranky when I explain that screen publishing is very different to print publishing.

Looks like I'm in for a few long nights with this project.

I'm a bit tied up developing a graphical front end for a storage system but when I've sorted that I'll maybe have a look at something that might do some of the work.
No promises on this though
So shirking down a page size....
As you've noticed this is easier to do from scratch, that is from a fixed sized base,
Changing the size 'on the fly' is more difficult.
First consider web pages, old school pages were built on a fixed framework, like a grid with items in it in ABSOLUTE positions.
Newer pages using CSS tend to be built on RELATIVE positions (within limits) so can adapt to changing in sizes.
Courselab uses ABSOLUTE positions, fixed relative to the top left of the display window. So to down or up-scale needs the x,y co-ordinates need to be changed by the proportional change in the window size AND the absolute size of the object changed by the same proportion.
The font sizes could be handled in the same way, by applying a proportional increase or decrease.

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