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score board
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Would someone be so kind as to let me know how to create a scoreboard? The scoreboard will tally all the points achieved via text questions.

Thank you!
This would be at the end of the module?
By tally you mean count and display the total?
What detail do you want to display?
Hi Nick,

The score board appears on each slide of the module, displays the current total score (based on the right answers from the text questions).

As the total score is a variable and you can display variables.
This will show you how to display the variable.
http://www.friendsofcourselab.info/downloads/passing variables.zip
Thank you Nick! But is there an example to show me how to create the scoreboard?
Not really but if you were to make a colour shape on the side of the page first... Then add some text boxes for title etc and to display the variables you'd end up with a scoreboard
Thank you so much for the information, Nick! The score works well!

P.S. Do you know if there is something wrong with Courselab fill in text questions when it comes to multiple correct answers? When I set more than one correct answer the system thinks is wrong.
Defintely not correct where there is more than one answer.
How it works will be hard coded so would need a custom change in the code somewhere.
Hi Nick,

Can you think of a way to update the score based based on the result obtained in an IFRAME exercise?

Thank you!

The score part is held by the SCORM API and parts of the page structure pass these.
So you'd need to replicate this in some way. The web part in the iframe would need some java script which could send the results somewhere. The somewhere would be the SCORM API where you'd need to add an extra communication layer or socket.
So it's not impossible.
Google for 'javascript iframe parent'.
In earlier threads is information how to modify a Courselab variable using javascript.
Google for 'javascript modify variable site:courselab.com'
Hi Nick,

Can you think of a way to update the score based based on the result obtained in an IFRAME exercise?

Thank you!

Hi and thank you for the reply Nick!

It is good to know that the problem is within the code and not due to something I overlooked. Since this is an error that hinders the use of an otherwise wonderful program, I wonder if the guys at Courselab plan to fix it.


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