Maybe by inserting the stuff in an iframe but you won't get results back from it.
These are totally different systems, the API's are slightly different, the page types are different and that's just the big ones.
There is a MAJOR difference between hot potatoes and couselab, hp has the prebuilt functions that it presents to you and no more, courselab allows pretty full scripting. If it doesn't exist as a prebuilt function in courselab then you can make it from basic components called actions.
Maybe by inserting the stuff in an iframe but you won't get results back from it.
These are totally different systems, the API's are slightly different, the page types are different and that's just the big ones.
There is a MAJOR difference between hot potatoes and couselab, hp has the prebuilt functions that it presents to you and no more, courselab allows pretty full scripting. If it doesn't exist as a prebuilt function in courselab then you can make it from basic components called actions.