Quick 'n' dirty:
- every page with a question, you give a unique ID, fi: p1, p2 etc.
- for every page with a question you make you make a variable, f.i. v1, v2 etc.
These variables are initially 1.
- If you enter such a page, you check if the corresponding vaiable is zero. If it is, goto the next page. If not, wait for the question to be answered.
- if a question is answered right, you set the corresponding variable to 0 (zero).
- if all questions are answered, you show the results. Then, if not alle variables are zero, you start again.
If all variables are zero, you continue ...
good luck!
Quick 'n' dirty:
- every page with a question, you give a unique ID, fi: p1, p2 etc.
- for every page with a question you make you make a variable, f.i. v1, v2 etc.
These variables are initially 1.
- If you enter such a page, you check if the corresponding vaiable is zero. If it is, goto the next page. If not, wait for the question to be answered.
- if a question is answered right, you set the corresponding variable to 0 (zero).
- if all questions are answered, you show the results. Then, if not alle variables are zero, you start again.
If all variables are zero, you continue ...
good luck!