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cannot open module - HELP ME PLease
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Hi I have spent days creating a programme and hav ejust gone in to edit it and it says cannot open module line 1960, position 17, whitespace is not allowed in this positon

This is so so frustrating and weeks of work lost if I cannot get this programme to open again
H.E.L.P me please
many thanks everyone
carol [:confused:]
Have any of the external factors changed, particularly the folder structure?

This happened to me when IT decided to remap the drives I was using. When this was the case, i had to remap locally as I found this error was being caused by spaces in directory names created by our IT dept. I created a Z-drive and made sure that none of my directories had spaces in them. Then using notepad++, as Barend suggested to you, I made sure that pathways aligned to the new one I had just created. I suspect those pathways are to be found on the line mentioned in your error message

Hope this helps
Thank yuo for your suggestions - unfortunately I have managed to completely delete the original course and have started again but this will be useful if I encounter this again in the future
Maybe some 'forbidden' characters in runtime.xml.

You might download notepad++ and use it to open runtime.xml. Then have a look around line 1960, or maybe some lines above. Look for strange characters and change them to 'normal' characters.
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