You can add sound to almost any object, e.g. a text box. Right click on an object, choose Format Object and there you have a section Sound. All you have to do is to choose a sound file from your disc.
However, if you need to add a sound itself and give the user a player to control the sound playing, you'll have to go to the Media object library and add the sound... as a video. A bit amateurish, but works :)
You can add sound to almost any object, e.g. a text box. Right click on an object, choose Format Object and there you have a section Sound. All you have to do is to choose a sound file from your disc.
However, if you need to add a sound itself and give the user a player to control the sound playing, you'll have to go to the Media object library and add the sound... as a video. A bit amateurish, but works :)