Hi Roger
First open up the object librarys EXTERNAL tab.
Drop an EXTERNAL FILE object onto the page.
Right click on the object and select properties.
Browse to the file you want to use.
Now the word document will have been copied into the course folder. Clicking it will open the document.
Make sure that you use a compatible file version, for example don't use the native 2007 format as earlier versions of word won't be able to open it. An old one like 98 is probably better.
If in doubt use a PDF as they are a little more universal.
Send the beer to ..... LOL
Hi Roger
First open up the object librarys EXTERNAL tab.
Drop an EXTERNAL FILE object onto the page.
Right click on the object and select properties.
Browse to the file you want to use.
Now the word document will have been copied into the course folder. Clicking it will open the document.
Make sure that you use a compatible file version, for example don't use the native 2007 format as earlier versions of word won't be able to open it. An old one like 98 is probably better.
If in doubt use a PDF as they are a little more universal.
Send the beer to ..... LOL