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Audio problems
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I am still getting audio replaying on some (not all) lessons published to SCORM 1.2 on moodle 1.8.4+ anything new on this problem?
Update: I published same lesson as Run from CD and uploaded files on server. When launched I still get audio restarting (double play) at same slide. Has anyone had this happen before? Is it a bug in 2.4?
27.03.2008 23:14 Blaine Hoffmann wrote:
Update: I published same lesson as Run from CD and uploaded files on server. When launched I still get audio restarting (double play) at same slide. Has anyone had this happen before? Is it a bug in 2.4?

I am facing same problem. Please someone help. Thanks.
What are you using to play these?
It's more likely to be the SWF garbage collection function.
It might be worth adding a javascript function:

function SWStopSound()

If you get a sound file from a previous page playing along with the file on the current page then add this as an action that's initiaited when the precedding page is closed. Example as an onclick action attached to the NEXT navigation button, do this on the template and it should supress this.

Or you could just add it so that it is initiated just before the new sound file plays.
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