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Accidentally deleted the .wcl file after publishing a course
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Accidentally deleted the .wcl file after publishing a course and while it runs perfectly I cannot make any changes to the content - please help!

The file did not appear in my recycling bin so I could not restore it
Ok I have retrieved the .wcl file but cannot get it to open in the software now...
22.02.2013 13:08 Goodwin Susan wrote:
Ok I have retrieved the .wcl file but cannot get it to open in the software now...

How did you recover it?
Was this just the .WCL as you also need the folder structure that goes with it as all of the components it uses are held in these.
I recovered everything in my recycling folder and even though it didn't appear in there it was recovered - weird.

It also recover the folder numbered 1 and the courseimages folder
Hi Susan,

You may be able to recover the deleted file. Download the FREE version of RECUVA here (choose Piriform, not FileHippo):


A wizard will guide you through the recovery.

The word doomed springs to mind here. You can't easily make the .wcl from a published module, in theory yes, in practice no.
Sorry as this isn't what you want to hear.

It's good practice to keep backup copies of your work, preferably on another hard drive or usb stick.
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