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As have been shown to control all flash objects on the page?
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Long ago as community consultation could control all flash objects from a page in my class had shown before advancing to the next page. Someone from the community gave me the following instructions: "If they open on a click or some other trigger then ...At the page level set navigation afterdisplay an action to disable the page advance button.At the same time create a VariableOn each click or whatever object the action is to trigger the flash objects add one to the variable-Check if the total variable = the number of objects then use a navigation action to enable the page advance button.And That Should do what you want "But I have not solved the problem. More precisely, the first part of the solution itself that works for me, but not how to add the variable to each object on click. I need your help urgently. Thank you.
08.10.2013 19:55 Ali Aasim DO NOT DELETE wrote:
Long ago as community consultation could control all flash objects from a page in my class had shown before advancing to the next page. Someone from the community gave me the following instructions: "If they open on a click or some other trigger then ...At the page level set navigation afterdisplay an action to disable the page advance button.At the same time create a VariableOn each click or whatever object the action is to trigger the flash objects add one to the variable-Check if the total variable = the number of objects then use a navigation action to enable the page advance button.And That Should do what you want "But I have not solved the problem. More precisely, the first part of the solution itself that works for me, but not how to add the variable to each object on click. I need your help urgently. Thank you.

So lets make this a bit simpler and not use a counter at all
Add the action as an afterdisplay navigation and disable the enxt page button.
Add your movies to the page, name them sequentially movie1 movie2 and so on.
These need to be in stack order the first movie1 at the bottom of the stack. Use the frame structure list and from the second movie onwards in sequence select order bring to front
Hide these, either using an afterdisplay display series of actions OR select in the frame structure list and just select hide from the right click options.
Add a series of trigger objects text buttons, the text could be something like "Play/Show Movie 1". Add one for each movie. To each add an onclick display action to unhide the relevant movie.
Again order these as a stack with the first button at the bottom as you did with the movies. All are hidden except button1
Add a further onclick display action that unhides the next button
On the last button add a further action to enable the next page navigation button
What will happen now is a single button is seen, Show/Play movie1. When clicked the movie is opened and the button appears to change to Show/Play movie 2.
When the last movie is opened uaing the button then the next page button becomes active.

NOTE: This technique requires the stack order to be correct!! If not then a button or movie may open and be hidden underneath the last one. You could refine the actions to hide the previously opened objects.

This is a bit simpler as it doesn't need to use a variableas a counter
10.10.2013 15:58 James Nick wrote:
So lets make this a bit simpler and not use a counter at allAdd the action as an afterdisplay navigation and disable the enxt page button.-----Add your movies to the page, name them sequentially movie1 movie2 and so on.These need to be in stack order the first movie1 at the bottom of the stack. Use the frame structure list and from the second movie onwards in sequence select order bring to frontHide these, either using an afterdisplay display series of actions OR select in the frame structure list and just select hide from the right click options.---Add a series of trigger objects text buttons, the text could be something like "Play/Show Movie 1". Add one for each movie. To each add an onclick display action to unhide the relevant movie.Again order these as a stack with the first button at the bottom as you did with the movies. All are hidden except button1Add a further onclick display action that unhides the next buttonOn the last button add a further action to enable the next page navigation button ---What will happen now is a single button is seen, Show/Play movie1. When clicked the movie is opened and the button appears to change to Show/Play movie 2.When the last movie is opened uaing the button then the next page button becomes active.NOTE: This technique requires the stack order to be correct!! If not then a button or movie may open and be hidden underneath the last one. You could refine the actions to hide the previously opened objects.This is a bit simpler as it doesn't need to use a variableas a counter

Thank you very much, James.

The problem is that the user can view the movies in the order he wants, not always in the same order ... your solution would work in this case?
Stack order is used by the web engine to decide how to layer objects when it draws the page on screen. Your module is a web based object so these rules are used. If you have an object at the top of the stack it will be drawn over the top of other objects. There is an option when you right click an object to move it in the stack order.
You have the buttons in a stack order with the first button at the botton and then the next on top of that and so on to the last one.
Hide all of the buttons except the first.
The first button unhides the movie and also unhides the next button. If they are in the same place physically on the page then the second button appears over the top of the first.
Clicking button 2 brings up button 3 which again hides button 2.
You've enforced the linear viewing.
There are a few other ways of doing this but all hang on show hides.
Button1 would be at the back so you right click and send it to the back (bottom of the stack)
Button2 is sent to the top of the stack
Button 3 is sent to the top of the stack (it now moves above 2 in the layers)
Button 4 is sent to the top of the stack (it now moves above 3 in the layers)
As you unhide them they will appear over the last which effectively disappears.
Thank you, James. I tried your last solution and it has worked without problem. Thanks, again, for your invaluable help.A big hug!,
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