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So, I am new to Courselab (converting out of Authorware). I have read the help files, searched the forum without finding a really good answer, so I am hoping someone can help.

I have setup a test with 8 questions after which is slide to show the results. Each base weight is 1 and I used regressive. I want it to show percentage correct, not the number of answers that are correct. It also shows up in the LMS in the same manner (as a number instead of percentage.) Help?

I have set my objectives and the rules.
Objective: total max 100 min 0 Module Yes
Pass is "total" score >= 80
Fail is "total" score < 80

What am I missing?

Have you set the module runtime settings for this.
From the drop down menus Module -> Runtime open the runtime tab at the very bottom is a tick box to scale the results to % before sending to an LMS. I think that the default value is off (unticked) so a numeric score is passed rather than a percentage.

11.10.2013 16:31 James Nick wrote:
Have you set the module runtime settings for this.From the drop down menus Module -> Runtime open the runtime tab at the very bottom is a tick box to scale the results to % before sending to an LMS. I think that the default value is off (unticked) so a numeric score is passed rather than a percentage.

Yes, I did and do have that checked and it doesn't seem to make any difference.
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