The thread this refers to seems to be frozen so can't be added to so I've had to add this as a new strand.
So sending a response by e-mail sounds quite simple but there are several problems with this which are a part of the html web protocols used, the courselab modules are displayed as html in an html browser.
So scenario one has the user running the module on his/her PC and you have put an html mailto (google it) in an object using an action or by editing the html of a text object. The web page tells the OS to try and send a mail using the users default mail client. Unfortunately that person uses a web mail client with no application on the PC.
No mail client opens, no mail is sent.
Scenario two has the user running the module on his/her PC and you have put an html mailto (google it) in an object using an action or by editing the html of a text object. The web page tells the OS to try and send a mail using the users default mail client. That person uses a mail client with the application on the PC.
The mail client opens, the mail may be sent if the users clicks on send and of course they are free to edit the contents so it isn't a good idea to send anything important.
If the module is served off of the web from a proper server then you might be able to use the servers mail handling to generate the mail. Exactly what you need to do in this case depends entirely on the server type, the code the host site uses and the background services and technolgies it uses.
All you need to do is to send the details to the SMPT service for that web server, this will involve you using things like REST, PERL, PYTHON or PHP. If you don't know what these are then forget it as you aren't going to be able to do it.
Courselab along with most similar tools isn't designed to do this kind of thing. It either acts as a dumb standalone or a relatively dumb server based web page.
The thread this refers to seems to be frozen so can't be added to so I've had to add this as a new strand.
So sending a response by e-mail sounds quite simple but there are several problems with this which are a part of the html web protocols used, the courselab modules are displayed as html in an html browser.
So scenario one has the user running the module on his/her PC and you have put an html mailto (google it) in an object using an action or by editing the html of a text object. The web page tells the OS to try and send a mail using the users default mail client. Unfortunately that person uses a web mail client with no application on the PC.
No mail client opens, no mail is sent.
Scenario two has the user running the module on his/her PC and you have put an html mailto (google it) in an object using an action or by editing the html of a text object. The web page tells the OS to try and send a mail using the users default mail client. That person uses a mail client with the application on the PC.
The mail client opens, the mail may be sent if the users clicks on send and of course they are free to edit the contents so it isn't a good idea to send anything important.
If the module is served off of the web from a proper server then you might be able to use the servers mail handling to generate the mail. Exactly what you need to do in this case depends entirely on the server type, the code the host site uses and the background services and technolgies it uses.
All you need to do is to send the details to the SMPT service for that web server, this will involve you using things like REST, PERL, PYTHON or PHP. If you don't know what these are then forget it as you aren't going to be able to do it.
Courselab along with most similar tools isn't designed to do this kind of thing. It either acts as a dumb standalone or a relatively dumb server based web page.