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Issue with E-learning content
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Hello Experts,

There have been issues with our customer for completing some e-learning courses. When the courses are started by users, they encounter issues like the browser getting stuck, message showing as 'Loading images...' forever and not going forward and some SCORM API related messages scormappi12.setvalue "cmicore.score.max".

We replicated this in development environment and it seems to work fine from remote/citrix desktop. I have tested the same course content in the browser on a desktop without the Jan patches(below)installed. There is no issue with the course content as it works fine without the below patches installed.

Only when the latest windows patches have been applied, there seems to be an issue. The latest patches that went in contained the following:

MS12-002 Vulnerability in Windows Object Packager Could
Allow Remote Code Execution (2603381)
MS12-003 Vulnerability in Windows Client/Server Run-time
Subsystem Could Allow Elevation of Privilege (2646524)
MS12-004 Vulnerabilities in Windows Media Could Allow
Remote Code Execution (2636391)
MS12-005 Vulnerability in Microsoft Windows Could Allow
Remote Code Execution (2584146)
MS12-006 Vulnerability in SSL/TLS Could Allow
Information Disclosure (2643584)

Can you please provide inputs if you have encountered any issues after the latest MS patches were applied?

Thanks a lot for your help in advance.


The patches should be OK but it is very hard to tell. Lets assume that they make no significant difference as finding out what they have changed would be a nightmare.
So lets concentrate on your actual problems which we can do something about... On the 'images loading' this is sometimes an incorrect reference in the main XML file that is used to generated the pages. I would open the module in courselab open anything and close it (a text item) then SAVE. Next in the menu Module / Runtime Settings / Runtime tab there is a check box that says "preload images", uncheck it.
Now republish and upload, it should be OK.
"cmicore.score.max" ... this might be that the LMS is expecting to see this score and it isn't being or hasn't been set. This is also in the module runtime settings. It just says the max score is a specific number so the LMS can work the total as a percent.
Just set it as the max score possible in the module and it should stop complaining.
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