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Screen Capture integration
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I recently purchased the screen capture plug in for Courselab with the intention of developing software simulations supporting limited scenarios of course.

I have been very frustrated since simple things like the start menu seem to float objects above the capture window. As such I have ended up capturing a lot of the content manually which is both a time waster and a frustration since the screen capture plug in should be able to do that.

Apart from that I find it quite slow to develop demonstrations. I was thinking of using Wink files but this would further complicate matters.

Course lab 2.4 has so much more potential than proprietary programs in the market but the poor implementation of the screen capture is a pain [:mad:].

Anyone have experience with developing something similar? Any Suggestions?
I've never tried the Courselab capture utility.
Personally I use TechSmiths Camtasia as it has very good post capture editing facilities.
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