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Moodle SCORM 1.2.7 problem
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I keep getting message "AcormAPI2004.LMSCommit: General Exception" when clicking a button on your SCORM example test file. How to fix this? This problem only occurred on scorm 127.
So a bit more definition in the question is needed.
SCORM 127, sorry no such thing Mohd.
The SCORM test is an industry standard file and used to test any system for proper interaction in SCORM.
The LMSCommit part means that the API is sending something that your version of moodle doesn't like. 127 might be the line of the API that's generating the error.
Which version of moodle is this as some versions had big problems with SCORM 2004 which is what the message indicates.
Try saving the test as an AICC or 1.2 and try again. If it works in either then the problem will be Moodle rather than the Courselab API.
We were having similar issues with SCORM in Moodle - didn't matter whether we exported as 1.1, 1.2 or 2004 - Moodle 1.9 was giving us an error after running a quiz created in Courselab.

Thanks to a very talented developer (Hais Deakin) we tracked down a typo in the Moodle code, which meant there would always be an error. We had to remove a single space from a specific line of code and the issue went away.

The file is mod/scorm/datamodels/Scorm_12.js

Line 434

433: result = ('true' == result) ? 'true' : 'false';
434: errorCode = (result ==' true')? '0' : '101';

This was lodged as an issue with Moodle, and fixed in releases later than 1.9.5 - all sorted in Moodle 2.

Worth having a trawl through for the file, and edit it by hand.

note the extra space...: ' true'

This needs removing [:)]
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