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Actions on images
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Hi every one;
I have put actions on image that it displays three another picture when it is clicked:
(On Click Object=IMG; Display= show; Effect=Object; Duration=0 sec)
and the three other pictures display=No and there are actions on it:
GO TO a specific slide and then Display=Hide and the last thing does not happen I do not know why?
I hope you help me fast.
Thanks in advance;
I suppose 'goto' means another slide is immediatly loaded, not time to lose and no more actions to be done, so it should be the last action.
barend, thank you it's so helpful
Nick James,Thank you too I'll try to do your advice.
I'd go along with Barend, write any sequence of actions in the same way that you want the events to occur.
It would seem a bit strange to jump off of a page and then say close the picture on the page I've just left...
It often is helpful to plan the pages and make a script for the events on them.
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