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Can You Import Agents
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I was wondering if there is a way to import or add other agents to the CoureLab software. I use them for role-play courses and want to have more than the one man and women that come with the software.
Hi Jay,

If you don't need the full functions of an agent (moving eyes, talking mouth, etc...) you could try using images of people for your role playing.

Tom Kuhlmann has a blog (http://www.articulate.com/rapid-elearning/) with tips on using PowerPoint to manipulate clipart images. I used these same techiques using clipart images in Word. Once I had a few characters that met my role-play needs, I used the images in CourseLab. I then "animated" the characters using Actions and the Move-Start methods.

It is not as fancy as agent animation but it might be an option.
Thanks for the great idea!
I stumbled upon creatoon, which is free now. Maybe it is of use.
The site is slow but steady.
Hey all,
Regarding the courselab agents, why any action I use for it other than default doesn't work on firefox?!!
I kept choosing all of perform actions included but none worked.
Nice blog, jj, I added it to my bookmarks [;)]
Hi, Jay,

there is no possibility to add agents by user. We can produce and add your custom agent, but it is not free though. The price may vary depending on the complexity of agent. Please contact support@courselab.com if you are interested.
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