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Error with optional SCORM call
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The courses we have created with CourseLab are trying to set the value ‘cmi.core.score.min’ which is an extension of SCORM 1.2 and unsupported in our LMS. We do not know where this call has been generated, probably on publication. What do we do to make the courses work?

Hi, David,

yes, the issue with this optional parameter is in correction list for future version.
Hi Dave,
For readers who don't know what your message is about. LMS's can use a few different standards, the common ones are AICC and SCORM, SCORM comes in a few 'flavours' the only ones really to consider are 1.2 and 2004. Usually they do build in some legacy support which allows lots of flexibility in content but some don't.
You use score.raw to store the learner's score, and score.min & score.max to tell the LMS what the possible range is. Depending on the version of SCORM you're using, the syntax would either be:
SCORM 2004
So the module is pushing out the wrong value label. A really small but problematic variable.
You might find that searching through the JS files in the published files will find the instances where the variable is used so you can change it as appropriate.
This needs one of the Dev team to comment on. I'm sure Slav will respond on this one.
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