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I am getting an error message displayed on some slides when I press the NEXT button. The message says Next Slide: Invalid argument.

This has only started happening since I upgraded to 2.4

The strange thing is that other Next buttons in most of the rest of the module are working, it seems to be just one or two that are doing this.

Anyone come across this ?
Same situation here :) the problem is in your objects, including textboxes

what i did first is to delete an object then "View slide" then click "Next". So i can experiment which object causes the problem.
Once you located which object prompts the error, re-insert the object and play the "order" of the object (
Send back, front etc) this is tricky though :)

If the problem object is a textbox, just undo the action (i.e.,deleting the textbox) copy paste text to another textbox then delete the previous textbox :)

it worked for me. i hope this helps you too[:p]
I managed to get rid of this bug by deleting references to other frames. I had text in a pop-up window, where another chapter of the object was mentioned and an action was created on a word, that when clicked on, opened a new frame. It seemed to create the invalid argument. Now everything works fine!
I found the problem as I started deleting different items from the page and looking what may have caused the bug, to narrow it down.
I also solved this by eliminating ojects on the slide. Often I would find that a graphic or another obvect caused the issue and got around it that way.

It certainly has not caused me any problems since I started doing that.
Has a fix for this come about yet? Judging from the dates of the forum messages, this is an ongoing bug. One would think the flagship product would warrant quicker attention.

I too have run into this error out of the blue. With no definitive fix I was forced to release an eLearning with broken navigation because I was against a deadline and discovered the problem just at publishing.

Heretofore I was happy w/ CourseLab. Now, not so much. Pitty; it has a lot going for it otherwise.

Some of this can be laid at MS explorers handling of the DOM especially in the latter versions: 6 a bit, 7 very much. There is a compatibility engine that is at the root of this. Microsoft don't really follow the WC3 standards too closely, and their version will often break even letter perfect code as its interpreter engine runs it.
Unfortunately the fixes tend to be aimed at a moving target as updates are applied, what works today probably won't work tomorrow after the next patch is applied [:(]
With Iframes add them as the last element in the page and remember to make them uppermost (bring to front)in the page or lots of other components will be overwritten. This will probably be sorted in one of CLabs incremental builds assuming MS don't change something in the meantime!!
As some slight comiseration I have some software that cost a little over $2000 that can generate the same problems. I only use it when I need a database backend otherwise Courselab does as well or better when it comes to SCORM or AICC content. I probably use Courselab 98% of the time for 'fun' and paying projects.
It's also much easier than building from scratch with say Dreamweaver which I used to do, it is quite possible and you can make extremely powerful and rich content but someones going to have to pay an awful lot more than they'd want to for me to build content that way now.
Hi, Bob,

Is there any possibility that these "defective" slides are using the same master-slide? In general - is there any common slide properties.
Also please try to run object's update (menu Module - Update objects) - there could be some changes in 2.4 object/runtime interaction, that need updating.
Hi Slav,

I am having difficulty with the same thing. Developed a programme with a number of modules in CourseLab 2.3 - all working perfectly, but now upgraded to 2.4 and have been re-editing, slides from several modules get "stuck" on the Next Slide: Invalid Argument issue.

Have tried adding a button to either GOTO or CALL the next frame and which produces error Invalid Argument at line 4880 character 6.

Have not managed to fix, although removing images from the slide makes it navigate perfectly, but as soon as added back in (or new ones inserted) the same error appears.

It also appears if try to insert buttons, text boxes or anything new to the slide...

Have updating all objects, reinserted text, amended fonts reviewed the runtime but no joy.

Again, only 1 master slide and most slides in the module work fine...

Sadly this is stopping me using all modules, so any help greatly appreciated.

Make sure the graphic objects have the correct extension (.jpg, .gif) and make the names of the images one word without any spaces. Try again and see if that makes a difference.

It has helped in the past for me
Thanks Bob.

Alright - sussed it!

In CourseLab 2.4, if you have a set of frames (the first being the master and subsequent frames being just objects to DISPLAY SHOW/HIDE within the firt frame), then it seems that all the object in the first frame need to be in ordered to the front (Order > Bring To Front) and a complete copy of all the first frame's content needs to appear on the subsequent frames (as opposed to just the object that you want to DISPLAY SHOW/HIDE.

Sounds crazy, but works!


Will try your solution as I am having a similar problem. Creating frames causes navigation and image problems. However one thing I have noticed is my problem only occurs when published using Moodle not during locals testing and then only when viewing using Firefox. Using Moodle in IE or testing/viewing courselab development in Firefox is OK.

This is happening to me a lot in a particular module. I am creating a number of slides and checking them. I then add graphics and they refuse to move forward or backwards. If I delete the graphics then they still refuse to move and I have to recreate the slide from scratch.

I have tried to update the objects but that hasn't worked.

Any suggestions ???
OK I may have sussed this. When I use the text editor I use a font called Microsoft Sans Serif, its about the best low res screen font I have available.

Often however I notice that some of the spaces and some of the font displays @Arial Unicode MS as the font being used.

If I copy the block of text to Word, format it in the correct font then it all works OK.

Don't know what this font is as it does not appear in any other of my programs
Hi Slav,

Course Lab is an extremly useful tool when it comes to building e-learning courses.

Well I was developing a course and when I run the module, it gives an error which sates "Next Slide:Invalid Argument" and when I try to hit the back button, I get "Previous Slide:Invalid Argument"[:(]. I have only 1 master slide and as you suggested earlier I had 'updated the objects', but it doesn't seem to solve the error. Any ideas as to why this might be occuring? Any help will be greatly appreciated!!!

Thank you in advance,
Dennis M
Hi Slav,

Course Lab is an extremly useful tool when it comes to building e-learning courses.

Well I was developing a course and when I run the module, it gives an error which sates "Next Slide:Invalid Argument" and when I try to hit the back button, I get "Previous Slide:Invalid Argument"[:(]. I have only 1 master slide and as you suggested earlier I had 'updated the objects', but it doesn't seem to solve the error. Any ideas as to why this might be occuring? Any help will be greatly appreciated!!!

Thank you in advance,
Dennis M
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