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Is their a way to have the course running as executable?
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Is their a way to have the course running as executable?
I don't like to have the course working from the browser, I need it to work from file.exe
I am using courselab 2.7 as a trial
Thanks in advance
The real answer to this is no, you are maybe missing the point of distributed learning using SCORM to have asked in the first place.
But you can in a roundabout way probably only if you compile it into a single executable using something like molebox. It will still unpack into components but distribution would be as a single exe. You'd still need a browser but it wouldn't be too difficult to package in a portable version of firefox.

If you want to work from a single exe style of app then ggo and learn flash action script, use the flash SCORM API and you can make most anything you'd want to. Tough learning curve though
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